Tips & General Info

The Country

Egypt is the cradle of civilization, the land of religions and the gateway to Africa, but above all, Egypt is the gift of the Nile. For more than fifty centuries this country has witnessed the development of cultures and civilizations through the different Pharaonic, Christian and Islamic periods. Egypt, the country where past and present coexist, invites you to enjoy its permanently warm climate, visiting the ancient splendors of the Pharaohs, the early glories of Christianity and the masterpieces of Islam, and exploring its seas which have some of the most beautiful seafloors in the world, as well as its deserts which have been isolated from the fertility of the Nile. Egypt is also a modern developing country which is at the same time a seemingly imaginary one, so rich are its contrasts and contradictions. Even today, you can see camels and donkeys on the dusty roads lined with Beduin tents which sit in contrast to futuristic skyscrapers alongside the remains of stone walls from the Pharaonic period.


Egypt is a complex country of contrasts, with its great deserts, the chaos of its metropolises, the simple life of its villages and the freshness and solace of its oases. Its cultivated land extends from the Valley of the Nile to the First Cataract in the direction of Aswan. Egypt is delimited on three sides by natural boundaries: to the north by the Mediterranean Sea, to the east by the Eastern Desert, which extends as far as the Red Sea, and to the west by the vast Western Desert. These borders are completed by the desert areas of Sinai, rich in crystalline rock, and the Red Sea with its marvellous beaches. Click here to see the map of Egypt


With the exception of the winter months of December, January and February, Egypt enjoys a dry climate with summer temperatures reaching 32 degrees on the Mediterranean coast and up to 40 degrees in Aswan.

Time Zone

Gmt + 2 in winter, Gmt + 3 in summer. 


Egypt has approximately 60 million inhabitants. 90% of whom live in the Nile Valley. Religion 85% of the population is Muslim and 15% are Coptic Christians. 


The official Language is Arab with English and French being the most widely-spoken foreign Languages, although Italian and German are sometimes spoken in restaurants and hotels and increasingly in shops too. 


The majority of hotels, and specially the most prestigious, try to satisfy the tastes of their foreign guests by serving international cuisine. Many restaurants also specialize in foreign food such as French, Italian, Lebanese, Greek, Chinese and Indian cuisine. The light and not particularly spicy Egyptian cuisine is also popular with tourists. 


Requirements vary according to season. In winter you will need lightweight wool clothes and pullovers, whilst in the summer light cotton clothes are recommended. It is also advisable to take sun glasses and protective hats. 


You will find a wide range of Egyptian products, particularly local handicrafts, to suit all tastes. 


In addition to medicine, pharmacies also sell perfumes and cosmetics. Some are open 24 hours a day. 


The Egyptian currency is the pound, or "ghine" as it is called in Arabic, which is available in banknotes of 25 and 50 piasters (cents) and 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 pounds. Although coins also exist, they are hard to come by. Travellers cheques and credit cards are accepted by banks, international hotels, restaurants and shops. 


Visitors to Egypt require an entry visa which may be obtained in person in 24 hours, or by post (which however make take up to two weeks) from an Egyptian Consulate. Visas are also obtainable on arrival in the country. 


Tourists must be in possession of an international passport which is valid for at least six months.